Passado algum tempo sem postar nada no blog devido ao desenvolvimento da componente escrita da tese de Mestrado em Artes Plásticas apresento agora uma das minhas novas criações. Uma pintura de (200cm x 300cm) que representa o que o próprio titulo indica. Cada vez mais o universo da mitologia futebolística se vem relacionando com o da criação artística e daí uma analise critica aos modelos de organização da nossa sociedade.
"The back of Yordanov's sweater sweaty Portugal's Cup final 1994/95"
After some time without posting anything on the blog due to the development of the written component of the Master thesis in Fine Arts I present now one of my new creations. A painting (200cm x 300cm) which is what the title itself indicates. Increasingly the world of football mythology comes to relating with the artistic creation, and hence a critical analysis of models of organization of our society.
"The back of Yordanov's sweater sweaty Portugal's Cup final 1994/95"
After some time without posting anything on the blog due to the development of the written component of the Master thesis in Fine Arts I present now one of my new creations. A painting (200cm x 300cm) which is what the title itself indicates. Increasingly the world of football mythology comes to relating with the artistic creation, and hence a critical analysis of models of organization of our society.
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