À falta de melhor nome decidi chamar a este video "O controlador de mentes", devido ao proprio dispositivo, de qualquer das maneiras tambem posso considera-lo o meu primeiro trabalho sem titulo apesar de lhe ter dado um, porque nao consigo achar nenhum melhor e por achar que nada se apropria. Neste video temos entao um homem que caminha no meio da natureza, com um objecto na cabeça, um arame, que o liga a varios objectos pendurados na extremidade, um deles esta nota aqui apresentada. Este objecto, tem a mesma funçao daqueles que servem para fazer os cavalos e os burros andarem mas, ao contrario destes, este nao tem palas, ou seja, pode-se olhar em todas as direcçoes, e desviar o olhar dos objectos em frente, mas o homem nao quer. So para salientar estou extremamente feliz com o resultado final, tanto do video, como dos objectos. Em breve mais imagens.
"The mind controller"
The lack of a better name I decided to call this video "The mind controller" due to the own device, either way I also consider it my first job without a title, despite having given him one, because I can not find any better and think that nothing is appropriated. In this video we have a man who walks through nature, with an object in his head, a wire that connect him to various objects hanging in the end, this euro note presented here. This object has the same function of those who serve to make the horses and donkeys walk but, unlike these, it has no flaps, that is, he can look in all directions, and look away from objects in front, but the man does not want. Just to point out I am extremely happy with the end result of both the video as objects. Soon more images.
"The mind controller"
The lack of a better name I decided to call this video "The mind controller" due to the own device, either way I also consider it my first job without a title, despite having given him one, because I can not find any better and think that nothing is appropriated. In this video we have a man who walks through nature, with an object in his head, a wire that connect him to various objects hanging in the end, this euro note presented here. This object has the same function of those who serve to make the horses and donkeys walk but, unlike these, it has no flaps, that is, he can look in all directions, and look away from objects in front, but the man does not want. Just to point out I am extremely happy with the end result of both the video as objects. Soon more images.
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