A pedido de muitos leitores lá tive eu que partircipar nesta boa iniciativo do grupo A9, que todas as semanas ou de duas em duas semanas tem a oportunidade de ter uma pagina no Jornal de Leiria com a sua programaçao e tem vindo a convidar varias pessoas para a vir ilustrando. Assim sendo foi desta maneira que eu a ilustrei! Viva Leiria!
Page of the A9 in the Journal of Leiria Ed.1357 15/07/10
At the request of many readers I had to participate in this good initiative of group A9, which every week or every two weeks has the opportunity to have a page in the Journal of Leiria with its programming and they have been inviting several people to illustrate it. So this was how I illustrated! Long live Leiria!
Page of the A9 in the Journal of Leiria Ed.1357 15/07/10
At the request of many readers I had to participate in this good initiative of group A9, which every week or every two weeks has the opportunity to have a page in the Journal of Leiria with its programming and they have been inviting several people to illustrate it. So this was how I illustrated! Long live Leiria!
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