A minha primeira pintura de 2011, três sujeitos estão num quarto escuro, com a luz do monitor a iluminar-lhes a face. Dois jogam um jogo de futebol no computador enquanto um terceiro espera a sua vez! Um está a vencer e outro a perder. De fundo na janela, prédios e a noite. Esta pintura mede por volta de um metro de altura por um e meio de largura.
"Playing computer"
My first painting of 2011, three guys are in a dark room, with the monitor light illuminating their face. Two play a football game on the computer while a third waits his turn! One is winning and the other is losing. On the background in the window, buildings and the night. This painting measures about one meter high by one and a half wide.
"Playing computer"
My first painting of 2011, three guys are in a dark room, with the monitor light illuminating their face. Two play a football game on the computer while a third waits his turn! One is winning and the other is losing. On the background in the window, buildings and the night. This painting measures about one meter high by one and a half wide.
1 comentário:
um bon jeito de começar o ano
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