Aqui ficam dois exemplares da serie de photoshop's que fiz para a exposição "O Golpe do Leão" em Outubro de 2011. Estes dois foram escolhidos pois acho que são dos mais bem conseguidos e também porque os seleccionei para serem leiloados num dos leilões de arte na Electricidade Estética. Nesta serie peguei em varias personalidades do mundo Sporting, atletas, e pus a minha cara no corpo deles, assim, todos eles são eu, e eu sou todos eles. Nestes dois casos, o ciclista Joaquim Agostinho e o velocista Francis Obikwelu.
"Pedro's Photoshop / Athletes Sporting Clube de Portugal"
Here are two examples of the series of photoshop's I made for the exhibition "Lion Strike" in October 2011. These two were chosen because I think they are the most well done and also because they have been selected to be auctioned in the art auction in Electricity Aesthetics. In this series I took in several of the world Sporting personalities, athletes, and put my face on their bodies, so they are all me, and I'm all of them. In both cases, the rider Joaquim Agostinho and sprinter Francis Obikwelu.
"Pedro's Photoshop / Athletes Sporting Clube de Portugal"
Here are two examples of the series of photoshop's I made for the exhibition "Lion Strike" in October 2011. These two were chosen because I think they are the most well done and also because they have been selected to be auctioned in the art auction in Electricity Aesthetics. In this series I took in several of the world Sporting personalities, athletes, and put my face on their bodies, so they are all me, and I'm all of them. In both cases, the rider Joaquim Agostinho and sprinter Francis Obikwelu.